Present Continuous tense worksheet

Present Continuous tense

  1. Ընտրիր ճիշտ տարբերակը
  1. Ընտրիր ճիշտ տարբերակը
  2. Խաղացեք այս խաղը
  3. Տրված բայերը ներկա շարունակական ժամանակաձևով/ Present Continuous Tense/  տեղադրիր համապատասխան նախադասություններում

play – work – sit – read – play – listen – clean – read

Debbie and her friends are playing in Debbie’s garden. They are playing football. Mrs Baker is reading a book. Mr Baker is working in the garden. Nick listening to his favourite CD. The cats are sitting on Mrs Baker’s chair. Bill is cleaning his bike. Bill: “Debbie, help me, please.” But Debbie is busy: “I am reading  a book for school. Ask your friend.”

play – listen – help – read – act – work – clean

Sally and her friends are playing in the garden. They are acting for a video. Her mother is reabing a book. Her father is playing in the garden. Dave  to music on his iPad. Her brothers Ben and Frank, are cleaning  their bikes. Ben’s friend is helped his mum in the garden.

  1.  Բայերը գրիր Present Continuous Tense ժամանակաձևով:

1. Andy calling his uncle. (call)

2. Bill and Carol are reading a magazine. (read)

3. The boys are knocking on the door. (knock)

4. Where is mum? She waternig the flowers in the garden. (water)

5. They are listening to their teacher. (not listen)

6. I am doing  my homework now. (do)

7. Is she  dinner? No, she is reading  (have / read)

8. We are not playing  now. (not play)

9. He is talking  to his girlfriend at the moment. (talk)

10. Can we talk now? Yes, I am not doing anything important. (not do)

11. Are you in the park? No, it is raining (rain)

12. What are the kids doing  ? They are riding their bikes. (do/ride)

13. Steven is having a shower. (have)

14. Please be quieter. The babies are sleeping. (sleep)

15.Are you enjoying the party? (enjoy)

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